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V0gelz_Mod_v3.1 пишыти на мыло дам (V0gelz_Mod_v3.1) Не забываем своё иыло!!!!

gta SA-MP
Re6il suda kunut 4iti s kotorimi moznobilobi poigrat v sa mp :) Вот нозвания этой програмки как разберус с ftp то выложу ее саму! Коды на gta SA-MP название (V0gelz Mod v3.1) удачи в поиске ихний сайт Website
Greetz V0gelz чтото не работал а сылку я дал попробуйти может получется!
Have fun playing!

* V0gelz Mod v3.1 *
* A GTA: Sa Multiplayer Cheat *
* Made by V0gelz *

** Just a quick fix for the tab bug **
** Dunno if it realy works but hey, it should. **
** Also fixed the give parashut **

Structure of the readme
- Info
- Important
- Installation
- How to use / The Menu
- Feature''s
- Hot Key''s
- Handling Patch
- Credits
- Greetz
- Website


* !This cheat is specialy made for sa mp and singelplayer.
* !This cheat kills the sa mp anti cheat.

* !They can detect the Minigun/Katana!
* !Do not blame me if you got banned.


* We got 2 version''s of V0gelz Mod v3.
* A window mode and an non window mode.

* In the V0gelz Mod v3 folder you will find a 2 folders.
* window_mode and non-window_mode.
* in window_mode folder you will find a .dll.
* That the cheat with window mode .
* The other folder is the one without window mode.

** The default one is window mode.


* Just place the folder that you will find in the .zip file
* and place it somewhere at your desktop or where ever you want.
* But you allways need to have the V0gelz Mod v3.exe and
* the V0gelz Mod v3.dll togetter in the same folder!

* Now run V0gelz Mod v3.exe it will say that it is ready
* and you just need to connect to a server.

* ERROR? *
* - Could not inject dll
* + Please check that you have the .exe and the .dll at the same place/folder.

* - Could not find V0gelz Mod.dll
* + Again please check that you have the .exe and the .dll at the same place/folder.


How to use / The Menu

* Press F12 to activate the menu.
* Press F11 to activate the give menu.
* Press F10 to activate the teleport menu.
* This are the features you can change
* in the menu to config the hack.
* Use the up and down arrows to move in the menu.
* Use the left/right arrows key to activate a feature in the menu.


* - Global -
* 3 Menu''s - Easy to use
* Activate Hotkey''s
* Game Speed
* Teleport City
* Teleport Spot''s
* Airmove Fly
* Money Cheat
* Remove Motion Blur
* Anti Weapon Crash
* Window Mode
* Handling.cfg Patch

* - Player -
* Health Player
* Armor Player
* Unlimited Ammo
* No Reload
* Unlimited Oxygen
* High Jump
* Water Walk
* Weapons Set
* Allow Weapon''s Indoor''s
* Anti Cheat Revange!
* Air Break

* - Car -
* Health Car
* Fly
* Perfect Handling
* All Cars Have Nitro
* Self Destruct
* Spin Function
* Unlock Vehicles
* Give Jetpack
* Air Break
* Un Flip
* Anti Fall Of Bike

Hot Key''s

* Activate Cheat Menu 1 = F12
* Activate Give Menu 2 = F11
* Activate Teleport Menu 3 = F10
* Turn Jetpack/Car Fly On = F2

* *increase X Coodinates = Numpad 9
* *decrease X Coodinates = Numpad 3
* *increase Y Coodinates = Numpad 4
* *decrease Y Coodinates = Numpad 6
* *increase Z Coodinates = Numpad 8
* *decrease Z Coodinates = Numpad 2

* Unlimited Nitro = END
* Un Flip = Page Down
* Airbreak = Numpad 7
* Spin Function = Numpad 5
* Self Destruct = F3

Teleport Info

* Go to teleport menu (F10) and chose the spot you want to go.

Handling Patch

* It allows the use of a modified handling.cfg
* handling.cfg is in ./data folder located.


* Azorbix
* S0beit
* Wang
* REALfreaky
* MeKorea
* TheFoxz
* gamedeception.net / game-deception.com


* SiN
* NoiXx
* Smaksman
* Blastergun
* Ludwig Van
* Kenny
* Ammo
* Cereal


Greetz V0gelz
Have fun playing!
* This is the change log of V0gelz Mod.

* Version 3.1
* The alt tab bug
* Give Parachute

* Version 3
* Controle money value in menu. This will go up to 20.
* Added anti bike fall off.
* Anti Admin Freeze ( watch out with this lol ).
* Infinite Run
* Pay n Spray is Free
* Added 3 menu''s cheat/give/teleport
* Added airmove speed setting''s ( 5 settings
* Money can now be set in the give menu
* Weapon''s can now be set in the give menu
* No more teleport button
* No more weapon set''s and button.
* Added stats ( health, armor, health car, xyz coordinate''s )
* Added weather control in menu
* Added give cheat''s.
* Changed gamespeed a bit.
* Fly mode now in menu.
* Hour is allways set to 13.
* Added 2 more revange weapon''s. ( rocket and hand''s )
* Airmove now set to F2 to activate it.
* Self destruct now to F3.
* Removed some code for the teleport en weapon set''s
* Removed add hp when health hack is on. It just freeze''s the health now.
* Jetpack/car move is now called airmove.
* Removed alot of button''s that are not longer used becuz they are now in the menu.
* No sourcecode this time, becuz of the anti cheaters.
* non windowed standard.
* Fixed alot of other things i can''t realy remember.

* Version 2.1
* Added a Activate Hotkey feature.
* Release the source code.

* Version 2
* Teleport: Added more teleport spot''s
* Improved health hack and added armor to it.
* Improved airbreak
* Added Jetpack
* Added Handeling Patch
* Added Unlock Vehicle''s
* Added Water walk
* Added Window Mode.
* Added Unflip car
* Added Anti Cheat Revange! - Only minigun at the moment.
* Changed some weapon sets
* Changed the jetpack/car fly a bit. You don''t go fast down.
* Allow Weapon''s Indoor''s
* Made the spin function faster.
* Fixed the menu a bit ( just lazy ------------- )
* Unlimited Ammo and No Reload are now in the same option in the menu.
* Made 2 version''s of the hack, one with window mode and one without window mode.
* Fixed alot of other things i can''t realy remember lol.

* Version 1.0a
Fix no going again in game bug.
( But it didn''t work lol )

* Version 1.0
* First Release
* Game Speed
* Teleport
* Jetpack/Car Fly
* Money Cheat
* Remove Motion Blur
* Health Player
* Unlimited Ammo
* No Reload
* Unlimited Oxygen
* High Jump
* Weapons Set
* Health Car
* Fly
* Perfect Handling
* All Cars Have Nitro
* Unlimited Nitro
* Self Destruct
* Spin Function
* Airbreak

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